English Breakfast Tea Bread Recipe

Welcome to Quality Chai, where we are committed to providing you with the best tea recipes and products! Today, we bring you an irresistible recipe for English Breakfast Tea Bread – a deliciously moist, lightly sweetened loaf infused with the robust flavors of black tea. The perfect accompaniment to your morning cuppa or a scrumptious treat for afternoon tea – this tea-infused bread is easy to make and a guaranteed crowd pleaser. So, let’s get started on this delightful baking adventure! We’ve made this english breakfast tea bread recipe easy to follow 👨‍🍳.

english breakfast tea bread ingredients


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons English breakfast tea leaves, finely ground
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted and cooled
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease a 9×5 inch loaf pan with butter.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the all-purpose flour, granulated sugar, baking powder, salt, and finely ground English breakfast tea leaves until the ingredients are fully combined.
  3. In a separate mixing bowl, whisk together the melted unsalted butter, milk, eggs, and vanilla extract until the ingredients are fully combined.
  4. Using a spatula, pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients mixture, stirring until just combined.
  5. Pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan, smooth the top with a spatula, and bake for 45-50 minutes.
  6. Once golden brown on top and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean, remove the bread from the oven.
  7. Let cool for 10 minutes in the pan before transferring the bread to a wire rack to cool completely.

english breakfast tea bread

How long does english breakfast tea bread last in the fridge?

English breakfast tea bread can typically be stored in the fridge for 3-5 days after it has been cooked. It is important to place the bread in an airtight container or wrap it tightly in plastic wrap to maintain freshness and prevent it from drying out. However, it is important to note that the texture and flavor of the bread may change over time, especially after the first day or two. For best results, it is recommended that you consume the bread within the first 2-3 days after it has been cooked.

Low calorie english breakfast tea bread recipe substitutions

To make this English Breakfast Tea Bread recipe lower in calories, we can make the following substitutions. First, replacing all-purpose flour with whole wheat flour can increase the fiber content of the bread, making it more filling and reducing the overall calorie density. Second, replace the granulated sugar with a natural sweetener like honey or apple sauce, which can help cut down on calories while adding natural sweetness. Third, using a lower-fat milk or non-dairy milk can replace the original recipe’s whole milk. Finally, using low-fat or Greek yogurt in place of butter can reduce the fat content of the recipe while still providing moisture to the bread. Making these substitutions can make English Breakfast Tea Bread a lower calorie and yet still delicious treat.

What to serve with a english breakfast tea bread?

English breakfast tea bread pairs well with a variety of spreads and toppings. The classic option is to serve it with butter and a dollop of jam or marmalade. For a savory option, try spreading cream cheese or goat cheese on a slice and topping it with sliced cucumber and a sprinkle of salt. Another option is to serve it with a side of fresh fruit or a small bowl of yogurt for a balanced breakfast or snack. And for a special treat, warm up a slice and top it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream for a decadent dessert.

Whats the best sauce for a english breakfast tea bread?

English breakfast tea bread is a rich and flavorful bread that pairs well with a variety of sweet spreads. One of the best sauces to serve with this bread is a warm fruit compote made with fresh berries and a touch of honey. The sweetness of the fruit and honey complement the slightly bitter taste of the tea, while the warm fruity flavors add a comforting touch to the bread. To make the compote, simply simmer fresh berries of your choice, such as strawberries, raspberries, or blackberries, in a pot with a tablespoon of honey and a splash of water until they break down and thicken slightly. Spoon the compote over warm slices of English breakfast tea bread, and enjoy the perfect balance of sweet and savory flavors.

English breakfast tea bread health benefits

English breakfast tea bread is usually made with ingredients such as flour, butter, sugar, and sometimes dried fruits. While it is a delicious, comforting treat, it is not necessarily a health food. In fact, it is often high in refined carbohydrates and added sugars and lacks essential vitamins and minerals. To make a healthier recipe, you could swap the white flour for whole wheat flour, use coconut sugar or honey instead of refined white sugar, and add ingredients such as nuts or chia seeds for extra fiber and protein. Consider also using natural sweeteners such as ripe bananas, dates, or applesauce. These swaps can add more nutrition to your recipe while still offering the satisfying taste and texture of a baked good.

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